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Assigning roles and teams

Learn more about how to use roles and teams on Bonsai.

Updated today


Roles help define the specific responsibilities of each member. The team member’s role will appear in various tables, such as timesheets or reports, to categorize the member's work.

Creating custom roles

To create a new role, navigate to the Team page and click the Roles tab.

From here, click the 'Create Role' button and type a Role name. Optionally, team members can be assigned to the role by using the '+Add Member' selection:

Managing roles

To edit or delete roles, access the Team page and click the Roles tab.

Next, select the 3 dots (...) beside the line item to edit or delete the entry:

Note: Deleting a role is a permanent action and cannot be undone.

How to assign a role

To assign a role, navigate to the Team page and select the Role column. From here, use the drop-down list to select the role:

Alternatively, navigate to the Team page and click the Members tab.

Beside the entry, click the 3 dots (...), select ‘Edit’ and choose the appropriate role from the Role field:

A team member can be assigned to a single role at a time.


Teams allow you to group members based on shared work or projects.

A team member can be assigned to multiple teams at the same time, such as Engineering Team, Workflow Team, or USA Employees.

For example, a member could be part of both the Engineering Team and the USA Employees team.

Creating teams

To create a team, navigate to the Team page and select the Teams tab. From here, use the 'Create Team' button to type a team name and add members:

How to edit a member's team

A member’s roles and teams can be edited directly on the Teams page, under the Members tab. Click on the 'Team' column to make a new selection.

Alternatively, select the 3 dots (...) beside a team member's name and click the 'Teams' column to make any desired edits.

Using teams and roles on Bonsai

Filtering by roles and teams

In Resourcing and Reports, you’re able to use the Team and Role filters.

On either page, simply click the ‘Filter’ button and use the ‘Team’ or ‘Role’ selection to filter the information that is being displayed:

Tracking team activity on Timesheets and Resourcing pages

The member’s role appears under their name in the timesheets and resourcing page so you can keep track of your team's activity.

Assigning default rates for roles

With the rate cards feature, a rate can be allocated for each role.

To learn more about leveraging rate cards, take a look at our article here.

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