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All about proposals

Use proposals to pitch work to new or existing clients.

Updated over a month ago

Proposals are essential to your organization's workflow. They help establish a professional image, outline services or products, and define the project scope, timeline, and budget before formalizing agreements.

To learn more about our other tools, visit our getting started article here.

Before creating and sending proposals, check out our guide for best practices here. You can create a detailed document that highlights your background and experience, or a simpler one offering package options or a straightforward 'yes/no' choice for your client.

Creating a proposal

To create a Proposal, start off by navigating to Client Management > select 'Proposals' on the left-hand navigation bar:

Once you've done that, you can select "New Proposal" to get started:

At this point, you will have the option to choose one of our many templates to get a head start, or alternatively, start with a "Generic" template. Click "Use Template" to start customizing your Proposal:

Next, you can select an existing client and project, or create new ones. Once you've done so, your proposal will be created and ready for editing.

Editing a proposal

To add a new section, simply hover your mouse between two modules, and click on the blue "+" button that appears:

You can add various sections, including text, fee summaries, files, 'About Us,' and more. These options appear in the right-hand panel of your proposal:

To edit, delete, or move a section of your proposal, hover over the section to reveal an options panel on the right:

Change your Fee Summary

When you create a proposal there will be a fee summary section. You have the option to select "Change Fee Summary":

This will allow you to choose from a "Single Option", "Packages" and "Multi-Select" Fee Summary structure:

  • "Single Option" allows your client to accept one single service offering.

  • "Packages" allows your client to select one service offering of several packages you present to them in your proposal.

  • "Multi-Select" allows your client to choose multiple service offerings before accepting your proposal.

Setting a tax rate

You have the option to set a tax rate in your proposal Fee Summary:

Here's how it works:

  • If the proposal has several packages, any update of the value of the tax rate on a given package will update the tax rate on other package to the same value.

  • If there’s a “Default Tax Rate” value set in Invoices Default Values then the proposal tax amount will be pre-filled with that value.

  • If the proposal generates invoices (via requiring a deposit on approval), then those invoices will inherit the tax rate of the proposal.

Sending your proposal

When you're ready, you have the option to select "Send Proposal" to send this to your client:

After selecting this option, you'll be able to choose between sending the proposal directly through the platform via email or sharing it with your client via a URL link:

You can also select "auto-create invoices when accepted" so that an invoice will automatically be generated when the client accepts the proposal, which you can send at a later time:

Once you've successfully sent your Proposal, you can always view your Proposals from the 'Proposals' page in your account.

  • The "Green" status means the Proposal has been accepted.

  • The "Dark Gray" means outstanding.

  • The "Light Grey" is unsent.

We will send you a notification via email (if enabled in your notifications settings) when your client accepts your Proposal.

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