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The Estimate builder

Plan your projects and assess your profitability with the Estimate builder.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

The Estimate builder lets you preview project costs, margins, and timelines, helping you assess profitability. You can also share estimate information with your clients.

To confirm if your paid subscription has access to the Estimate builder feature, visit our pricing page.

By default, only account Owners and Partners can access estimates.

To access the Estimate builder, go to the Client Management tab in the left sidebar and select Estimates.

Here you can create your first estimate. You'll be required to add an estimate 'Title', 'Client' and you'll have the option to add a 'Rate Card':

Once you've created an Estimate, you can break it down into the difference sections of the project (e.g. research, design, implementation):

Per section, you can add the service items that you want to calculate your profit margins for, including the relevant service information:

  • Item - your service title

  • Description - a description of your service

  • Unit - select flat fee, hourly, or day rate

  • Quantity - total quantity

  • Role - the role responsible for the service

  • Price - the pricing for the service

  • Markup - the markup percentage

  • Discount - include any discounts (optional)

  • Assignee - assign the service to a team member

  • Cost Rate - the rate that the service will cost the business

  • Dates - the date range that the project will take place

When you add these details the following information will auto-fill:

  • Total Cost - total project cost

  • Estimate - the amount of hours

  • Profit - total profit

  • Margin - the margin percentage

Once all of this information is added, you'll see a full breakdown of the Estimate Totals for your total price, total cost, profit and margins:


Additionally, when you create a Deal in Bonsai, you can navigate to the Deals' 'Estimates' tab to connect or review connected Estimates for that client:

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