Delete Your Bonsai Account
Warning: Deleting your account will archive all your projects, proposals, contracts, and invoices and other account data.
To delete your account, navigate to Settings > Company Settings and click the 'Delete Account' button at the bottom of the page:
Doing this will automatically downgrade any active subscription you have, while also archiving your projects and other account data.
If you'd like to restore your account at any time, you can reach out to our support team and we'll allow you to login with that same account again, though some of your data may not be recoverable.
Permanently Delete All Account Data
If you'd like us to permanently delete everything associated with your account, please reach out to our support team and we can assist further. Note that certain accounts may have limitations regarding complete data deletion due to operational or legal reasons.
Doing this will make your account data completely unrecoverable in the future, and there is nothing we can do if you'd like to access it in the future.