In the event you need to stop a recurring invoice series, rest assured, it's easy to complete in a few simple steps.
To turn off a recurring invoice series:
Navigate to Financial Management > Invoices
Click into the most recent invoice in your recurring invoice series
Navigate to the 'Overview' section on the righthand side panel of that invoice:
Here you can select the green text that shows the frequency next to 'Recurring' or the green text next to 'Repeat Until' that indicates how long the series will run for.
When you select this, it will take you to the 'Recurring Invoice' modal:
In the 'Recurring Invoice' modal, you'll see information such as:
The 'Auto-repeat Cycle' frequency
The 'Duplicating Date' of your series
Lastly, the 'Repeat Until' section that indicates how long the series will run for.
If, under 'Repeating Until', you've selected 'Manually cancelled', you will need to manually stop the auto-repeating cycle.
To do so, you can select 'Stop Auto-Repeating':
Once you have done so, this will bring the recurring invoice series to a stop and it will no longer duplicate your invoices moving forward.