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Tracking Non-Billable Time

How billable and non-billable hours work in Bonsai

Updated over a year ago

There are two ways to track time in Bonsai: billable hours and non-billable hours.

Billable Hours

Billable hours can be added to invoices and billed to clients. They are used to calculate a project's billable and unbilled amounts.

Non-Billable Hours

Non-billable hours cannot be added to invoices or be billed to clients, and they do not contribute to a project's billable amount. They are typically used for internal time tracking and costing purposes so you can get a full picture of how much time is being spent on each project.

Marking Time as Non-Billable

By default, all time entries in Bonsai are billable unless set otherwise. However, you can mark time entries as non-billable via the time entries page or by selecting "Non-Billable" on the timer or time entry itself.

Visibility and Permissions

Only owners and partners can see whether time entries are billable or non-billable and change their status. Collaborators and project managers do not have access to any of this information.

Where can I see my non-billable hours?

You can view your team's billable and non-billable hours on the time entries page. Non-billable hours will display "β€”" in the Billable column, while billable hours will have their billable amount listed.

Non-billable hours are also included in your company timesheets and time tracking reports so you can get an accurate view of your team's time.

If you have any questions about non-billable hours, please contact our support team and we will be happy to help.


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