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How to create custom forms/questionnaires in Bonsai
How to create custom forms/questionnaires in Bonsai

Send custom forms, build automations and embed forms directly into your website.

Updated over 5 months ago

The Form feature is available on all subscription plans. You can choose to send a customized form directly to a client, or you can create a generic form if you want to send it to new clients.

Creating Your Form

To create a new form, navigate to Client Management and select Forms.

Next, select 'New Form':

When creating your form, you have the flexibility to include as many or as few questions as you like. We provide 13 different content elements to help you customize your form:

Feel free to mix and match different types of questions to create a form that best suits your needs.

Once you've added a question to your form, you can hover your cursor over the question and a settings bar will appear:

This will allow you to set a 'required question', move the order of your question up or down, or delete the question if needed.

Sharing Your Form

Once you're finished editing, you have a few different options for sharing your completed form with existing and potential clients.

To do so, select 'Send Form' in the top righthand corner of the form:

Next, you have the following options:

  • Send via Public Link

You can select 'copy this link' to share with your clients via your preferred communication channels.

  • Send via Embedded Code

You can select 'copy to clipboard' to add this into your website HTML directly.

  • Send via Email

You have the option to email the form to your client directly. Simply select them from the 'client' dropdown and include an email message if you'd like. Once you're ready select 'Send Form'.

How to view forms responses

To view form responses, navigate to Forms. On this page, you'll see a '# Responses' column:

Feel welcome to select the particular number of responses associated with the form you'd like to review. Here you will be able to see the answered forms broken down by the client along with the submitted date.

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