From time to time, you might find a negative balance within your Bonsai Business Banking Account. There are a variety of reasons why this may happen, but in this article, we will list the top reasons why this might be.
Note: This is only relevant for customers in the United States who have set up a Bonsai Business Banking Account.
You have received a direct debit or made an over capture/force capture type of card transaction
Some transactions will debit more than the amount available on your main balance if your overall account balance (including Envelopes) has enough funds to cover for the transaction. It will, as a result, make your Main balance go negative. These transactions can include:
Direct debits that you've preliminary set up with Bonsai business banking.
Some types of card transactions (hotels, tips in bars/restaurants, transactions without Internet connection e.g. in airplanes.)
Rest assured: no overdraft fees will be charged, as your overall account balance is not negative — only the main balance is. Simply transfer funds from one of your Envelopes to your main balance in order to make it positive again.
You have refunded an invoice
If you have refunded an invoice, the payment must be subtracted from your connected accounts. To process this, the balance may betaken from an upcoming pending payout, or withdrawn from your payout account in order to make this refund possible.
At first, your balance will become negative as we transfer the money back to your client, but will be positive again once we have received the recovered money from your connected accounts.
A client has filed a chargeback against one of your invoices
In this case, the mechanism works exactly like in the case of a refund. We will have to refund the client first. If you lose the case, it will stay as is. However, if you win the case, we will credit back the funds to your balance.