WARNING: In some countries, PayPal's website will not let users edit 3rd party permissions after adding them the first time. It is very important that you enable permissions on your account correctly the first time.
Steps to Enable PayPal Transaction Fees
In order to allow Bonsai to properly import all PayPal fees for your account, you must go through the following tedious steps using PayPal's website. We apologize for the inconvenient process, but it is simply because much of their technology is outdated.
1. Access PayPal 3rd party permissions page:
2. Enter dev_api1.hellobonsai.com
in the username field and click "Lookup"
3. Enable "Obtain information about a single transaction" from the list of permissions and click "Add"
4. You should see a confirm message with Bonsai listed with Third Party Access
5. Return to Bonsai and start importing your fees from your Bookkeeping page.
6. If the importing process is successful, within a few minutes your payment records should be properly updated.
Troubleshooting Incorrect Permissions
If you've incorrectly enabled third party permission for Bonsai (ie, selected the wrong permission), you can try editing the permissions using the following link. As noted above, this does not work in some countries. For no apparent reason, some users are not able to edit permissions and are instead redirected to their profile page.
If you are unable to edit permissions and have already gone through the process above, you must contact PayPal support and request that they remove Bonsai's third party access. Once they do that manually, you can go through the process above again to add Bonsai properly.